Hop Trainers

Job ID 22590487
Nelson Tasman, Wakefield
Listed on 10 Sep 2024

About this job

Remote Tapawera hop farm requires staff for planting, hooking and training hops. Hop vines are wound onto strings at the base of the plants. Work will be required over two properties. Working in hop gardens is a very physical role. Good back health is required and the ability to work outside in all types of weather. Property is remote and transport is a must.

Job Requirements

The ideal candidate must be able to work outdoors and have good hand eye coordination for tying onto hop strings. This work can be physical and requires bending .Training will be given.

No one with criminal convictions will be considered for this role.

Days of work
Monday to Friday 8.00am to 4.30pm (40 hours per week)
Pay Details
23.15 and contract rates
Job Category
Crop Farm Workers
Career Level
Trainee/apprentice (0 - 6 months)
Driver Licence
Restricted, (Class 1) - Car Licence
Pre-employment drug test required

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To apply for this job please phone 0800 779 009 and quote Job ID 22590487

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